Hello there, my name is Jerome Mahon and thank you for visiting my website!

I’m based in Todmorden, and I’m continually inspired by its beautiful landscape and wonderful community.

In many ways my first step on my photography journey happened when I set up the social media account Tod about. Everywhere I would walk I’d find new things I wanted to capture and share.

I was hooked. I just utterly fell in love with Photography. I had to know everything about the Art of photography. I would practice and learn at every single opportunity, i’m sure it was and still is a touch obnoxious!

I took my camera everywhere and photographed everything. Capturing once in a lifetime events and special moments has became my favourite aspect of this art. Knowing you’ve captured something special is a magical feeling.

Email: jerome.mahon@gmail.com

Instagram : Tod.about Facebook: Todabout

The town centre of Todmorden, West Yorkshire. The Unitarian Church spire on the left, the town hall in the middle and railway viaducts form prominent landmarks in the town.

The town centre of Todmorden, West Yorkshire. The Unitarian Church spire on the left, the town hall in the middle and railway viaducts form prominent landmarks in the town.